Monday, 19 October 2009

Boa Horse Boots Top Tip!

A top tip for anyone that has ever lost a Boa Hoof Boot dial cover cap!


Start with the boa dial cover showing the BOA lettering straight up and down or perpendicular to the ground. The cap will only go on in this position so this is the place to start! Twist the cap clockwise. You will hear a series of clicks and the cap will be in the tightest position when the BOA lettering is straight or parallel to the ground. (see picture)

As long as you follow these simple instructions, it should be impossible for the cap to come off!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

New EasyCare Hoof Boot Design on the way!

Hot off the press, Garrett at Easycare has just posted on his blog that he is putting together a new hoof boot, which is in his words is 'Part Easyboot Glove, part football helmet, part snow board binding and part Crocs'! If the glove is anything to go by, this boot will be amazing and another huge step up the booting ladder. Easycare hoof boots are breaking new ground with every new boot they produce, ensuring that barefoot is an option to almost every horse.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Transitioning the farrier

Easycare have released a very interesting article by Steve Karshner regarding transitioning the traditional farrier to a natural barefoot farrier. Barefoot trimming is not radically different to the traditional trim, but there are distinct differences and issues that need to be addressed in order for it to be successful. When taking a horse barefoot, the whole horse needs to be addressed, not just the foot. After all, the horses body grows the hoof you have to trim; healthy body= healthy hoof! Hoof boots are there to assist the transitioning process from shod to barefoot, and any well prepared barefoot farrier will carry a few pairs of the most popular sizes on his van with some comfort pads and accessories for horses that need a little initial help.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Old Macs continue to grow!

The Old Mac G2 Hoof Boot is one of the best selling hoof boots in the UK, and is continuing to grow in popularity. The Old Mac G2 is a very forgiving hoof boot, and fits a round or wider than long foot best, which is a common front foot shape.